Here are 7 Clues to Boost you Memory Power

As against an old held belief that brain function peaked during early adulthood and then slowly declined, leading to lapses in memory and brain fog during your golden years, we find many youngsters facing life challenges with failing memory or cognitive functioning.There is no doubt that  our modern lifestyle plays a significant role in contributing…

Is yoga the only answer to future super bugs and Drug Resistant Infections

As a Holistic Healing Practitioner and Spiritual Life Coach, one of the biggest challenges me and my patients deal with is the issue of infections. Modern medicine  strongly argues against nature-based complementary and alternative approaches to healing and wellness. Even though we all see failure of modern medicine every day, still it is difficult for us to…

Insomniacs..all you need is 4-7-8 for a peaceful sleep

Today’s stressful life initiates our mind in such a hyper state that at night when we go to bed it becomes impossible to fall asleep. For all those who find it difficult to initiate the sleep, here is sleep inducing technique worth trying. It popularly known as the 4-7-8 technique that claims to help you…

How meditating CEO’s remain far ahead of their counterparts Worldwide

Popularity of Mindfulness Meditation is quickly spreading among CEO’s and senior executives the world over. Practice of Mindfulness is being identified as major reason of success in creativity and innovation and performance par excellence, among those who have made mindfulness their religion. The worldwide CEO fraternity appears to embrace mindfulness meditation as its benefits are…

How to achieve Life goals through PRIMODAL SOUND MEDITATION

by: Dr. Amitabh, Aadyanta-The Science of Life “Let Om be the bow, mind the arrow, and higher consciousness the target. When the arrow is released from the bow, it goes straight to the target.” – Dhyana Bindu Upanishad – Primordial sound meditation is based upon chanting of Om or Aum, the eternal syllable. The Upanishads…

The True Story of Yoga

by: Dr. Amitabh, CEO, Aadyanta-The Science of Life “The practice of Yoga   helps YOU evolve beyond your present limitations if you do the necessary work upon yourself.” So here goes the story of Yoga… Once upon a time, long ago, all the munis and rishis(seers/sages) approached Lord Vishnu (god of preservation and protection) to tell…

12 Powerful Sounds that can change your life

by: Dr. Amitabh (Ph.D.), CEO Aadyantalife In the new Testament The Gospel of St. John Chapter 1:1 reads  “In the beginning was the word, and word was with God and the Word was GOD.   At the onset of my spiritual journey, I often thought that which word did St. John  refer to as GOD. As to me word meant…

How to use your fingers to heal yourself

Thousands of years ago our sages shared Yoga as just an exercise but a form of spiritual practice to unlock the mystical power of our physical, mental and spiritual being. Other than twisting and curling your body into different shapes and poses, the practice of yoga involves specific MUDRAS posed during meditations. Mudras mean gestures adopted during pranayams and…

Kriya Yoga-The Supersonic Route to God Consciousness

Kriya Yoga is a meditation technique that quickly accelerates one’s spiritual growth. It was first made widely known by Paramhansa Yogananda in his Autobiography of a Yogi. Yogananda taught Kriya Yoga as part of a spiritual path that includes three other techniques, along with discipleship to the Kriya line of Gurus. The Kriya technique itself…

Xpress Way to DE-STRESS Yourself

Did you ever know that the most effective way to relieve yourself of work stress is  BREATH effectively. Breathing exercises are an ideal way to relieve stress. They’re fast, simple, free, and can be performed by anyone. They can also be done anywhere and at virtually any time. These factors make stress relief breathing exercises…